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Alternative signing: wald, sarah wald, cy wald, w, 森w, NOH, 能NOH.

Below, videos of 'Logos' paintings, various size and support.

Click on the picture to watch the attached video.


Digital paintings 'Graffiti'

2020 11.jpg

'Logos' digital paintings


Alias NOH 'Logos' street graffiti.


'Logos' paintings on Kraft paper. 

'Logos' paintings on free canvas

paper or.jpg

'Logos' paintings on white paper

'Logos' paintings on white Japanese paper 

personal recent work 2008-2015:



CUT/dance video/tanztheater/2015...HAMLET CHAIR/butoh dance video/tanztheater/

2015/hamlet series...HAMLET WALL/butoh dance video/tanztheater/2015/hamlet series

...LOST HAMLET 3/butoh dance video/ tanztheater/2014/hamlet series...LOST HAMLET 2/butoh dance video/tanztheater/ 2014/hamlet series...LOST HAMLET 1/butoh dance video/tanztheater/2014/hamlet series...PRELUDE/video dance/2014 ...BEHIND/butoh dance video/tanztheater/2014 /inside series...INSINUATION/butoh dance video/

tanztheater/2014/inside series... THERE/butoh dance video/tanztheater/2014/inside series...CLOSE TO ME/butoh dance video/tanztheater/2013/inside series...TRAUMA/

butoh dance video/tanztheater/ 2013/ inside series...KISS MY ASS/butoh dance video

/tanztheater/2013/inside series... HAMLET/butoh dance video/tanztheater/2013/

hamlet series...SHAKE-UP butoh dance video/tanztheater/2013/hamlet series...CALL/

butoh dance video/tanztheater/2012/ hamlet series...PARKING/solo tanztheater/2012-LE BOA (the boa)/duo dance performance with brigitte valobra/2011...REGARD TRAVIOLE (crooked look)/solo dance performance/2010...SABLE 2 (sand 2)/grunge dance video/2009...SABLE 1 (sand 1)/ butoh dance video/2009/inside series...U/

butoh dance video/2009/inside series... OMBRE (shadow)/butoh dance video/2009/

inside series...ANGLE /butoh dance video/2009/inside series...SOUFFLE (breath)

/butoh dance video/2009/inside series ...UPPERCUT /butoh dance video/2009/inside series...Là(yon)/butoh dance video/ 2008/inside series...LE ROSSIGNOL(the nightingale)/butoh dance video/garcia lorca said by brigitte valobra/2008/inside series



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